02 March 2020


Monday's Critters

I love all living things. There are some greater fondnesses within that love, though. Cattle are one of those. At risk of alienating viewers, the next several weeks will now feature some of my fave shots from my collection!

(For the 'eagle-eyed', the bird up there is a swallow. This image was taken a few summers back when visiting my uncle's small-holding.)


  1. I too love all creatures great and small. I have been citified, I have never had many contacts with farm animals other than just a few times back in the 60's when my Great Uncle was farming. Gasp:: I even milked a cow...
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Cattle are endearing creatures to be sure, kind of a blend of docility and dopiness! They are methane machines, however, and that is not good.

  3. Well, I have a soft spot for cows, too, and I know one or two others will enjoy them. There are this 'herd' of cattle that I photograph every time I pass them and they are close to the road. Herd is too big of a word...there are not even a dozen head and it is a mixture. But I think they are loved...they have no fear, and always look at me as if they expect a treat.

  4. Everything about this picture is simple and lovely.

  5. Cows always seem so content!

  6. What a cutie, love the cow! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  7. such a mooooving photo of this cow. I love cows and this one is so handsome

  8. I have always loved looking at(and photographing) cows and I'm always amazed how much personality shines through each one!


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