23 May 2022


Monday's Critters

While I have done a couple of images that approach the more traditional pen and pencil style of 'art', I've been really enjoying exploring all the different aspects of working on a screen instead of paper and desk. It is vastly different and feeds my need for the abstract rather satisfyingly. Yes, I could keep reaching for the realism - but don't we all enjoy having our eye's and minds stretched a little, our funny bones tickled, our senses challenged? 


  1. Looks very cuddly. Maybe it will be made into a poster for "Hug a Highland Cow" day. It has all the potential to become a national celebration, worthy of a commemorative postage stamp. Well done, Exalted Yamster.

  2. Hello,
    You found a fun way to stretch your mind. Well done! Love the Highland cattle, they are so cute. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  3. my friend jackie had fairy lights put in her hair, this guy looks like he had them put in his furs

  4. Yes...I need to do more stuff...seeing yours makes me want to try something new.

  5. I recognize this as one of your very favorite critters. WEll done
    Hugs Cecilia


Feedback is appreciated. Keep yourselves tidy please.