08 December 2014


Monday's Critters

Mother seal and one almost full-grown pup

Second pup out on its own and loving the sunshine!!! Full tummy to the warmth, thank you very much...

Wooohoooo new critters!  A couple of Sunday's back we had sunshine.  Real, actual, bright ball in the sky stuff. I also had the the Fudge just busting to get used. (See updated side bar or THIS POST.)

I was barely out of Dunoon heading to the Toward point when I spotted something moving out in the middle of the firth. By the middle, I mean a goodly one kilometre from shore. Time to try out this 50x optical lens. Hand held. Put it into 'programmable' mode where the shutter and exposure can be controlled as the light was glarey and the auto function made things look 'plastic'.

Oh yes, this is gonna be fun...

Pee-ess.... exciting news... BOZO (that links to the post about my visit with Bozo and his peeps) is back from his hols and wagging his tail like crazy! Do pay him a visit...


  1. Fun shots for the day! And how fun that you were able to meet "Bozo" and Deepak!! He is a longtime blogging friend!!!

  2. The seal pups are so cute. I love to watch them when we get to the beach.

  3. Nice capture, I remember doing that many years ago but useing a camer, tripod and a really long lens, Still did not come out that well though, yours is better


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