01 May 2024


As time progresses, I realise that the majority of my photographs are now appearing on the DoWY bloggy anyway and that there would be little difference added here. I will continue with these monthly posts for this year, but I will have to make a firm decision then whether to cease posting here and dedicate to the single blog or return to regular daily posting here if I can make proper points of difference. Thanks to those of you who have remained here... and if you haven't followed the other blog, please do think of doing so!

This was shot from the shores of St Andrews, Fife. Storm Kathleen had been raging, so I guess these vessels were anchored for safety.


  1. I have a third blog that I ceased posting on. and everynow and then someone writes on it. I read somewhere that we need to post or comments on it, to keep it active. right now can't remember the details. and that reminds me, I was posting on it once a year and now have no clue how long its been

  2. I have one blog only and that’s enough for me.

  3. Beautiful scene and photo! Take care, have a great day!

  4. The pop of red is gorgeous among the blue!
    I do enjoy this blog, but know from experience two blogs can get tedious,especially when traveling!

  5. Lovely photo! What caught my eye was ... is that a small rock in the foreground? ... It looks like a huge reptile, like a crocodile or something! ... Amazing natural fomation!
    I have only one active blog. That itself is difficult for me to maintain. I have thought of having different blogs for different themes. But finally, I decided to stick to one for all my strands of thought.

    1. Hari OM
      Yes, rocks... and I see what you mean... could be a snake grabbing its prey! Yxx

  6. Love the red and blue of the big ship! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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