30 December 2020


Wings on Wednesday -
YAM's take on the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright hilarious in photographing birds.

Blink and you'll miss it!


  1. Oh my word, YAM, you have me gripped with this one? Have you read "The Seabird's Cry" by Adam Nicolson. If not run to your local library or fine bookstore right now! The chapter on the Gannet will leave you breathless. Well, the whole book will.

    1. Hari OM
      Thank you, David, I've looked it up and will be adding it to my ever-growing pile... 2021 will be my year of the Catch Up!!! Yxx

    2. If you read it, be sure to let me know what you think of it.

  2. That is 100% a bird's eye view. Love the colors you captured too
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Gannets are such great birds - our species are very similar to the ones in Scotland. Hope 2021 brings better news on all fronts.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Wonderful photo. Maybe you'll explain how it happened.

    1. Hari OM
      Yes, Joanne - this was taken a couple of years back when I still had L'il Ren (the car)... we were on the ferry across to Dunoon and were right at the front so I got out when I saw that there was a number of gannets playing 'chicken' with the boat!!! They are not that often seen around here as we don't have cliffs in this part, so it was a joy to have something other than gulls and cormorants! I took many shots but this was the only one which was anywhere near worth posting for they were nearly all blurred... or gone from frame by the time it had finished clicking!!! Yxx

  5. Hello,
    Awesome capture of the Gannet! Take care, enjoy your day!
    I wish you many beautiful sightings in 2021, a very healthy and happy New Year!

  6. Wow! This is amazing...love it. Makes me smile, too.

    As for archives...yours will be new to me since I have not been visiting your blog very long. I have a lot to go through, even find a few I have never published. I so long to get out more and get more. I probably don't take as many in a year now as I used to take in a month.


Feedback is appreciated. Keep yourselves tidy please.