04 July 2018


Wings on Wednesday - 
YAM's take on the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright hilarious in photographing birds.

Yup, that builders' plastic trash was these jackdaws' treasure! Lining the nest with plastic makes it wind-proof, damp-proof and a little more permanent. That the gathered straw was readily abandoned on seeing this trove shows that there were recognition and learning. It was a deliberate choice of the birds. 

(I do love my jackdaw couple. We've been together for four years now. They had been using my chimney pot... but after last year's upgrade and capping, I thought they may have gone. Boy was I glad to see them here again.)


  1. What a great privilege to be selected by a pair of Jackdaws. You must now be Scottish nobility, or something equally grand..

  2. Jackdaws are what I think are our crows and I've heard they are quite intelligent but dang they are loud
    Hugs HiC

    1. Hari OM
      Nope. Jackdaws are Jackdaws and Crows are Crows - even in the USA! Sometimes over your way, the grackle is mixed up with the Western Jackdaw too... Jackdaws are generally rather quieter than the average corvid. Crows do indeed make a lot of noise! As do rooks and ravens... &*> Yxx

  3. Hello, Jackdaw is a handsome bird. Pretty smart too. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  4. Glad your feathered friends are back ~ lovely birds ~

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Send those jackdaws here and let's get rid of the crows. The crows are noisy and messy. Plus the jackdaws are nicer-looking than those crows.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. What fun to watch them scavenge through trash for treasures.

  7. so instead of lizard couples, you have jackdaw couples to watch. they are surely fun to see in the pic... I would love watching them. yesterday we saw a small screech owl in our tree and it was mid day, I got a pic which is odd, since they only come out at night. or so I thought


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