14 April 2014


Monday's Critters

Have finally got round to scanning in old print photographs.  They are not necessarily brilliant...aging of the paper-stock means some poor quality.  But there are memories locked in them and at least this much preservation is deserved.

It does meant that for quite a few 'critters' offerings now you are going to see the J's. You can live with that - can't you?

Spot Jade under her favourite tree.  Taken with the old Minolta SLR - she was only 18 months old in this one.  The SLR didn't last much longer - this was the last roll of film it took.  I had by this time bought the Minolta handycam - clinging to the idea of film and resisting digital.  

Ahh, memories.


  1. I love seeing your dog tucked away under that lovely tree!! I'm certain you have fun, delightful memories, Yam! Have a great week!!

  2. O what a beautiful keepsake, Yam. So glad you scanned it. Jade-as-a-pup looks so happy under that tree.
    Luv, K

  3. What a cutie! I have enjoyed scanning my photos. I'm not sure what for, though.


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